Tuesday, December 11, 2007

80 Degrees in December ?

We've had a bit of rain a week or so ago. Enough that water is flowing very slowly in Sandy Run Creek. It had been dry for months. Trees were ablaze with color, but not have faded to bare limbs except for the Willow Oak in my yard. The leaves are mostly brown with some yellow, and they are falling like snow. Right now we are in a spell of record breaking high temperatures. They have been hovering around 80 degrees. One more day of that, and by the weekend we will be below normal again. On my walks with Jolene the GSD / Sheltie mix, you can tell it's winter. It's that "winter" smell. And the last few days you can smell the sap from the evergreen trees. It's beginning to smell a bit like Christmas.
We might even get some rain toward the end of the week. The chance is not great, but we need it. It seems we will end up 2007 well over 20 inches below normal in rainfall, and the bad part is, the latter part of 2006 was also dry.
Well, there's not much new out this way.

1 comment:

Larry Kollar said...

Yeah, we've had record highs in the mid-70s here on Planet Georgia too. I rode the Virago to work today — would have done it yesterday, but I took the day off for Xmas shopping. I'll be riding tomorrow, working at home Thursday, and it looks to be cold & rainy Friday.

I need to get hand guards (and a new rear tire) for the SM, and then I should be good for riding down to the mid-30s if not upper 20s.